Cuppa for Cancer

We were invited to The Science and Industry Museum to look at the exhibition ‘Cancer Revolution’ you can go and see it every Wednesday – Sunday until the 27th of March 2022 and every day during half term.

This exhibition is the world’s first and was created by The Science and Museum group and Cancer Research UK. It explores how over the years a lot has changed in the science world of cancer; how the treatment has changed and how we can now live in a world where people are living long and furfilling lives with this illness.

DID YOU KNOW: Dinosaurs lived with cancer and cancer can be found in plants?

“From busting myths about the causes of cancer and revealing how the disease isn’t unique to humans, to exploring how the latest cancer science, early detection technologies and immunotherapies are advancing cancer care today, Cancer Revolution: Science, innovation and hope shows how far we have come in prevention, detection and treatment, and highlights the important challenges that are still to be solved” – The Science and Industry Museum 

To read more about the exhibition visit 

Here are some Images from our visit.
